Now you know why. In "I Am Furious Yellow", Bart is giving Out his Angry Dad comics on the playground, Lisa comes in, acting as a. The only kid who seems to like the change in Itchy and Scratchy is Maggie, who ends up giving Homer lemonade after watching it (earlier, she had hit him with a mallet because of the cartoon's influence). So many parts in "Holidays of Future Passed" (which was originally supposed to be the series finale, but when money issues at FOX were resolved, the show was greenlit for two more seasons). ", Homer trying to give his last words to Bart and Lisa just in case he dies and both of them help him say something meaningful to the other. Followed by Lisa helping to spread her music to the community. The last part of the season 14 episode "Brake my Wife, Please". But the best scene is when Homer reconciled with his father. Homer. In "Pray Anything", Reverend Lovejoy proves once again that despite what his attitude might imply at times, he does genuinely care for his flock. Krusty and his Father singing "Oh mein papa" also counts. His first course of action upon the declaration of his bankruptcy? Heartwarming moments — two: A rather twisted one where Moe opts to become surgically shorter just to win Maya back (it fails when Mr. Largo [the. In "No Loan Again, Naturally", Flanders buys the Simpsons house after they lose it and rents it back to them. "Did you ever know that you're my hero". And when he's feeling better, Homer wraps himself in a bedsheet toga and playfully carries Marge around the house. On Lisa's 7th birthday, everyone forgot. "the biggest winner this town's ever produced", happily dozing off in an equally happy Smithers' arms, The scene then cuts to Homer and Marge on a romantic dinner, willing to marry one of Cletus's daughters, Cue Maya coming in and telling him he's cute, nice metaphor for why the show has been on for as long as it has, despite claims and proof that it's not the show it used to be in the 1990s, a shirtless Vladimir Putin riding on horseback. A small moment from "Lisa the Veterinarian," when Mr. Burns takes one of his ailing hounds to the vet. The entire family takes Marge to Florida after she gets stressed trying to make the holiday perfect. In "To Cur With Love" Abe Simpson reveals how he had to give Homer's beloved dog Bongo away to a farm run by a Lesbian couple when he was six in order to protect him from Mr. Burns, whom the dog had bitten protecting Homer. Bart's friendship with Diggs in the episode with the same title. Despite his incompetence and endangering their lives several times over, they don't really seem to hold it against him. When he eventually caves in to peer pressure, he goes to apologize later that day. Homer then reveals months after he went to get Bongo back, but saw that he was already happy in his new home and was no longer his. At the end of the episode Homer feels Marge won't love him as much anymore because he's ugly and bald again, and Marge reassures him by singing "You are so beautiful" while holding him in her arms. The scene where Bart and Homer take in Santa's Little Helper after finding him running away from his abusive owner. Marge and the kids spending the family vacation fund on a week at rock'n'roll camp for Homer after they realize how much he does for them. When they first start conversing, he. Later in the episode, Lisa is able to convince the girl who initially invited her to pull a. Homer and Lisa bonding together after she gets scared at the amusement park. He seems legitimately concerned when Bart disappears (in his own way, of course) and has a. However, she then sees that Bart replaced the chance cards with favor coupons. Lisa takes just reaching one little girl as, if nothing else, a personal victory. Simpson Family Click to expand The Simpson family as a whole; Homer Simpson, Marge Simpson, Bart Simpson, Lisa … Marge says "Why you little" and attempts to strangle her son, only to receive a hug from him. All we know about it is that it's a bloody part of a cow in a brown paper bag with "Ralph's Project" on it. The way Homer fixes the strap on Marge's dress seems to imply he figured out what happened and chose not to pry into the matter. The very last shot of the revamped Marvel Studios intro is a shot of T’Challa dispersing the attacking Border Tribesmen, a heartwarming nod to the late Chadwick Boseman as this is the first MCU property released after his passing. "YOLO": When Homer asked where he should drop his Spanish penpal Eduardo, who's been helping him live out his childhood dreams, at the airport, the latter replied with "as far as your heart will take you", and he went, Comic Book Guy is depressed because of how lonely he is, but then he meets a Japanese mangaka that takes interest in him. Mr Burns responds to this by letting Homer into his car, and confessing that the power plant is in danger of getting shut down. Also Bart letting Santa's Little Helper tag along with him after Homer kicks the dog out of the house for further misbehaviour, marking the first, After spending almost the entire episode annoyed and angry at him, Marge's. It's clearly better than either's relationship with Homer. willfully working with Bart and Lisa to stop his brother's plot. And Moe actually allows this. When Marge notices Bart sneak home with something, she becomes suspicious and corners him, demanding he reveal it. Homer has two similar lines in the movie that demonstrate his at his worst and best (respectively). The positive effect Lurleen's song has when the DJ plays it on the radio. When Homer at first refused to go to the race, because he was so hurt. In Ned's diary in the licensed book "Flanders' Book of Faith" involves Ned picking up trash in the park, shining a statue, and waiting around in case anyone wants directions. Dexter Colt fires a human cannonball at Homer and Lisa. What follows is a montage of Homer and Marge walking side-by-side with Homer alternating between being physically fit and being extremely obese. After Bart throws her prized hat away, he apologizes and gets it back for her. Heidi went from being a minor background character that was introduced in Season Three, to a much larger presence on South Park. She is almost never seen without wearing her trademark pink rabbit ear hat. It's sweet because the barflies are never really shown to care about each other apart from that moment and in season 24's "The Saga of Carl". something boring he bought at the last minute. "Waiting for Duffman" ended with a tribute to series co-creator Sam Simon, complete with an interview and a message to close out the episode: When Flanders notices that his new dog Baz likes Homer more than him, he attempts to give her to Homer. After Maggie saves Homer from Cargill by dropping a boulder on his head, Homer exclaims, "Maggie! Two moments in "Flanders Ladder." When he sees the twister, Homer doesn't waste any time trying to save Santa Little Helper and when the dog is taken by storm he wants to go looking for him before the storm passes. Only to find out that that Marge was actually planning a surprise party for him and Duffman was helping her. The ending to "Bonfire of the Manatees" where Mr. Burns and Smithers wash the manatee filling in for Homer at work, having a playful water fight as they do so. Easy to miss, but in the background as the transfusion is complete, both Dr. Hibbert and the unnamed pink-haired nurse are smiling. In "Jazzy and the Pussycats", Bart feels empathy for Lisa and decides to use his money to build a home for the animals. In addition, it's revealed he's on good terms with his mother AND earns the admiration of a small-town cranky judge, as well as that of a group of wheelchair-bound veterans. The whole premise of the episode is Homer trying to have Lisa like him more. Bart's relationship with Grandpa throughout the episode Barthood. While the class generally acts like hellions, Bart is more reluctant given his relationship with Ned. The end of "Homer Is Where The Art Isn't" has a tribute to Stephen Hawking. Basically everything Homer does to try and be a better person. In "Regarding Margie", Marge gets amnesia after hitting her head. Yes; but he clearly wanted Smithers to be happy, too. In "King Leer", when Marge sets out to try and mend Moe's family problems, Homer makes a point saying it's going to be hard to. Kumiko's dad saying to Homer: "We have much in common. When Lisa sees Bart again, she sees that he's the successful owner of a custom-painting shop, and that he's painted a huge mural of Lisa on the back of the garage door. The problem is, Maggie is afraid of Homer and every attempt at bonding ends in disaster. She rents some video tapes and affectionately snuggles with him in bed. In "Lisa the Tree Hugger", Bart sends her a care bucket that includes both food and a letter that's both humorous and heartwarming: "Dear Lisa, you rock. It's a rare moment of humanity between these two extremely different people. That in itself is heartwarming. It seems she has found a better career for herself after being stuck as a belly dancer for parties in "Homer's Night Out". Meanwhile, Moe is preparing to kill himself by jumping into the water below. Earlier Burns agrees to pay Homer millions if he gets Bobo back, when Homer snatches Bobo off of Maggie however, she starts crying. The look of wonder and surprise on Homer's face as he realizes that he wasn't dead and that tonight was going to be the best night of his life was just a CMOH on its own. Though it had disastrous results, Homer trying his hardest to entertain and bond with Maggie in Marge's absence is rather sweet. Just the thought that Homer and Lisa shared this incredible discovery was a CMOH on its own. When Homer eats a poisonous fish and only has twenty-four hours to live, in his last day of living, he goes around to do everything that he could, including having a man-to-man talk with Bart, listening to Lisa play her saxophone, making a video for Maggie, being nice to Flanders for once and spending his last night with Marge. She understands why he's upset and explains how he can still pray without believing in God. Homer hosts a party to try to find Smithers a boyfriend, which Smithers is irritated by. Your dad may be a little bit immature, but I know he loves you. Apparently this is a recurring situation. What's especially endearing about this is that Homer had spent the entire episode working on this project with his friends. When one baby grabbed the egg and pushed her, Maggie tears up and Homer takes notice and starts taking other toddlers' eggs and putting them into Maggie's basket; showing that he, At the ending, Homer seductively declares to Marge that he'll do something for her that "no other friend can do.". Learning that Homer has finally quit drinking but still goes down to Moe's to see his old friends. In "How I Wet Your Mother", the children immediately hug their grandmother while inside their father's dream. Bart faking excitement at the game she bought. And before that, Bender giving Maggie her cut of his gambling winnings. The whole point of Homer trying to catch General Sherman in the first place was so he could get some recognition. "Eeny Teeny Maya Moe": Episode rundown: Moe meets Maya, a woman he's been talking to online and finds that she's only three feet tall. The crowd scenes of everyone celebrating and working together are a far-cry from the crowd scenes of a crazed angry mob earlier in the film. It's a portrait of Bart, for once sensibly posed as she desired, with a "Paid In Full" receipt visibly attached. She then finds a caterpillar and a book that tells her that caterpillars grow into butterflies. And two men, the father and son he met earlier at the Father-and-Son Bonding clinic, embraced as well upon seeing Bart and Homer do the same thing. Also that Homer's actions aren't motivated out of anger, but out of honest concern for Bart's future and a desire to see him succeed. Bart giving Bobo to Maggie after he finds the bear in a bag of ice he bought at the Kwik-E-Mart, and Maggie immediately hugs and loves the battered old toy in a way that only a child can. Yellow family subverts animation and sitcom conventions for 22 years. Lisa gets stuck at a sleepover with "mean-girls" and can't get home. In "The Wife Aquatic" Homer sees how nostalgic Marge is for the place that she went to as a little girl for the summer that he puts the home movies on different devices and takes her back there. The flashbacks of a young Krusty deciding he wants to be a clown when he grows up because he loves making people laugh. It works, and the couple is overjoyed. While Krusty and Moe each give reasons to save their own skins, Moe immediately follows it up by explaining why Homer should stay. Burns tries his best to return the favor. While Homer is driving Lisa, he finds out and decides to try to make Lisa's birthday her best by going home and telling the world that they forgot her birthday. In "Future-Drama", after Jenda dumps Bart and leaves him on top of the hill, Chief Wiggum and the police arrive and laugh at his predicament. The ending to "At Long Last Leave", where everyone in town decides that, as bad as The Simpsons are, they can't live without them (a. Four words: "Lisa, It's Your Birthday". Abe's reaction when he finds out Marge is pregnant. When he realizes he now passes the test, he rushes to support Bart. So Homer decides to dress up as the late hero to help his son feel better, with the video ending on a heart-tugging exchange. As well as at the execution, Marge pressing her hands against the glass and saying. The ending of the episode, determined to get attention, he storms off to the Try-N-Save. At the end of "Simpsorama" (the crossover with. The scene of Homer cheering up Lisa in her room is a combination of this and a. Helped by the heartwarming song that plays after Lisa finds out and the two reconcile. Lisa and Sideshow Bob sharing a cultural bond in "The Man Who Grew Too Much" is either this or just really creepy. In "The Squirt and the Whale", Homer does his best to help Lisa save Bluella and her calves. He explains meekly that he didn't want to kill them like he did their mother. Homer drunkenly announcing "I don't care about the color of your skin, Lenny. Abe's relationship with Bea is a delight to see, given how maturely it's handled. Cue Homer trying to get a closer look at the mysterious Orb of Isis and ended up knocking it to the ground. It's not until Homer drowns in the ocean and Maggie saves him that Homer realizes that Maggie does care for him. As lazy as he might be, when his child is in mortal peril Homer Simpson rushes to save her. The ending: "...and how he kissed me under the Moorish wall and I thought well as well him as another and then I asked him with my eyes to ask again yes and then he asked me would I yes to say yes my mountain flower and first I put my arms around him yes and drew him down to me so he could feel my breasts all perfume yes and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes." It's also kind of sweet how the whole ruse started -Armin thought his good friend Seymour Skinner died while they were in Vietnam, and when he went to his friend's former home to tell his mother, Agnes, At the very beginning of the episode, Lisa and, "Lisa's Sax" (the plot of Homer choosing a saxophone for Lisa rather than air conditioning for the family, not so much the plot of Bart becoming a bad kid after his kindergarten teacher crushed his self-esteem, unless you count the part where Bart wins over the other kids by cracking jokes, as it shows that Bart found a way to cope with his depression). To get in the mood, Homer has to fantasize about someone arousing. Homer made a big sacrifice by selling his ride on the Duff Blimp in hopes of making Lisa feel better. Unlike past years where Homer gave Bart, When Bart himself falls down the well, the townsfolk refuse to help him out of anger at being tricked. stories of degradation and humiliation make you more popular, Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish, "I always knew you would change the world. Lisa still holds Mr. Bergstrom in reverence. After Mr. Burns regains consciousness in the hospital, Smithers gives him a big hug. Bart spends weeks bonding with Lou, the cow he's taking care of as a 4-H project and goes to great lengths to save him from being slaughtered, even. Also, Maggie looks. By the end, however, both she and Luke 'fade into obscurity'. Ralph is, Homer's treatment of Pinchie in "Lisa Gets An A". Although Lisa's attempt to create a less sexist alternative to the new talking Malibu Stacy fails, the episode does end with one girl buying the new Lisa Lionheart doll and shooting Lisa a smile. Her fiance Hugh had intentions of returning to England and separating Lisa from her family forever, even insulting them in front of Lisa. In "Maximum Homerdrive", we have Homer deciding to finish Red's last job so the old trucker's otherwise perfect record won't be tarnished by the last shipment not making it on time because of his death. Marge attempts to start a lecture, but eventually can only muster a loving "Oh, sweetie, come here" and hugs him. True, Bart then makes Skinner bump against some buildings, but he still came after him. Mona easily bonds with the rest of the family especially Lisa whom often felt alienated from her family because of her intelligence. Before it goes south with the "skateboarding naked" dare, Homer and Bart are actually having a lot of fun together with their dare contest. At the beginning, it's nearly impossible to see how she could end up with Luke, other than First Girl Wins. Apu, having just bought an armful of bottles from a cart run by Gil, who actually looks. Homer commending Bart for telling Flanders to shut up, after Homer himself did so. Homer puts up with, and does, a lot of crap. he feels guilty, especially when later in class, she starts crying in front of him, she's adopted and he doesn't like her (and then yells at Bart), Homer actually being nice to Patty and Selma by offering his condolences for Aunt Gladys' death, Ralph's dramatic performance of George Washington, dragging a ridiculous amount of junk that gets caught on it, if pee-wee hockey was around when he was a child, maybe he wouldn't have turned out the way he did. It almost ends in disaster when his girlfriend's overbearing father tries to break them up. It turns out to be a vase of flowers and a card that says "Please love our home as much as we did.". Smithers isn't even in his services since he can't even afford his paycheck. One of the questions was to name one of the child's heroes. In one episode of the Simpsons, the creators got away with one of the dirtiest jokes to ever go under the radar of the censors. He states he can't deal being without his family. He does this even after Bart points out Homer would not have done the same for Ned. When the Simpsons make it to Alaska, the border guard gives them $1,000, explaining it's to allow the oil companies to ravage the state's natural beauty. A small one from "The Man in the Blue Flannel Pants." When Lisa manages to make a group of new friends in ". However, there are some heartwarming scenes to be mined from this slog of an episode: Homer's "Margerine" song and music video. It's surprising to see Bart acing his job as hall monitor, but its even more surprising to see him and Principal Skinner working togetheenjoying each others company. She tries to call her parents to no avail, but eventually gets in touch with Bart. He invites most of Springfield - excluding the Flanders family - to a surprise "We Love You, Marge" dinner in the Simpsons' backyard for Marge. In the last scene, Bart is finishing a story with "... so basically, I met one nice French Person." Homer, on the verge of tears, talking down Marge from her rampage at Moe's Tavern. The episode's ending is a mix of this and genuinely funny. Whether you're looking for info on Fantastic Beasts, the book series or LEGO, we are the #1 Harry Potter fan database that anyone can edit. She wears a green frock and black Mary Jane shoes. sit through the credits for that episode. Before Hattie's revelation, Bart tries to talk Lisa out of it, knowing that she's been hurt like this in the past and is very sensitive to things like this. After being rescued from the Resistance, Homer gets a ship to go back home, and is told that the ship has the ability to give him anything he desires, at first it's the usual food, dead Flanders, and TVs. Marge doesn't lash out at Todd or blame him in some way for having a crisis of faith. Especially his telling his grandkids that Bart isn't so bad. It even moves Patty and Selma to let him go. Earlier in the episode, Marge uses a sexy dice game to spice up their love life, but it comes up with a lot of weird suggestions (like "Whisper into Ass"). as his date drove off in her car), of course, but then we get to Marge saying "I'll love you for the rest of my life." The following is a list of the episode titles and summaries of FOX's longest-running animated sitcom The Simpsons, centered on a dysfunctional yellow-skinned family living in the unreachable city of Springfield and trying to deal with modern life. The cherry on top is when they finally make it to Bart, Marge hugs him. "Super-Franchise Me" ends with a tribute to Jan Hooks, who'd played Apu's wife Manjula from seasons 9-14. After Bart is put in a coma and takes a turn for the worse, Lisa admits that she loves him and wants him to get better. In a sick, twisted way, Nelson congratulating Bart for his kill. Later on, he decides to refuse to take the bribe that the Brazilian gangsters offered for the World Cup and become the hero that Lisa talked about. At the end of the episode, Lisa gave Bart a lecture that implies his soul is not a piece of paper that can be sold or bought; and yet, she used her secret money to buy it back anyway. (He dropped it). Apu and Homer's friends all praying for Homer when he finally gets his surgery. 10 Times Hey Arnold! Grandpa asking Maggie who the father of her baby is (the implication being that the answer is scandalous), leaving her clearly embarrassed to answer. Especially the scene with Krusty and Sideshow Mel. Just think about that. A sign says "Sneed's Seed and Feed - Formerly Chuck's". Homer tries to catch her as she goes over the side of the bridge but fails. At the end of an episode, Homer promises Marge that he'll keep on trying to lose weight until he gets it right. In the final sequence, Homer commissions three paintings from art forger, One is a family portrait of the Van Houtens for Kirk to give to Luann after she throws him out for not telling her about a relationship he had while they were separated; she is so touched that she hugs him. It's "Close to You" by the Carpenters which is hers and Homer's song. Marge reassuring Lisa that she can make it through the trauma of having the lake polluted by her father: Ned Flanders offering the Simpsons shelter in his home when the mob comes after them, likely risking the mob's wrath for doing so. Later, the two have a moment together when Homer asks him if he's decided what he's going to do with the money, while eating a baguette. After realizing that he does care about his mother, Bart finally confesses to Marge that he was responsible for the bulldozer incident at the beginning of the episode. Don't say "I told you so. Homer decides that he can't bear to see Flanders sad, so he insists that Flanders keep Baz. When Homer is trapped in Patty and Selma's dungeon, he makes an image of Marge out of his chains. The stinger at the end, thanking viewers for 450 episodes and 20+ years (and, depending on what version you've seen, either promising the best to come or chastising viewers for wasting their lives on this cartoon). You may not notice it at first, but you'll see several moments of Santa's Little Helper and Snowball II nuzzled up and sleeping peacefully together. Flanders was the only person willing to defend the Simpsons. During the actual birth, Homer is trying to be happy, but he's also clearly bitter over the setbacks he's had to endure up to this point. Homer's hardly the best father, but he does try, and so his line can be seen as this in its own way. Homer and Bart reconciling, first with Homer trying a big and sincere apology and when that fails, he instead offers to let him ride on the back of the motorcycle and carry the bomb to toss it out the top of the dome. A bit narm-y but there's also some special significance to this, as the episode had shown that Maggie is the only of the three Simpson children to call him "Daddy" rather than "Homer" as a baby — made all the more sad by the fact that Homer missed his one chance at hearing his child call him "Daddy. Barts subplot in Replaceable Man. That's all I can stands, I can't stands no more! The B-plot involves Marge looking after Homer when he's recovering from food poisoning, and trying to cheer him up. Her ulterior motive is to remind him that her birthday's coming up, in hopes that she'll finally get a decent present from him. Skinner and Edna's dancing in "Grade School Confidential" is just incredibly sweet. When Abe sees the elderly people get off the bus. The ending to "On a Clear Day, I Can't See My Sister", where Lisa burns her restraining order against Bart and the Simpson family performs "Tijuana Taxi" to celebrate their reunion. He goes to the park and sees that everyone has someone else- Even Chief Wiggum and Snake, handcuffed together, are each enjoying a Coke together. Abe choosing not to go to Europe with Rita so he can watch over Homer. A very small one, but still kinda sweet. Homer bought Lisa her first saxophone, with the inscription "Dear Lisa, never forget your daddy lov-D'OH!" The radio itself was a birthday gift from Homer. By the end of the episode, Bart has a new found respect for Grampa, even though he is somewhat annoyed by his stories. Marge suggests that they all draw pictures of what Homer said when they get home, and the credits are played over a cute little montage of pictures of that scenario drawn in crayon. Bart and Homer goofing around and giggling with each other during the symphony was pretty adorable. The very end of the episode, which showed how much Moe had taken Homer's words to heart. When he moves back, Bart hangs out with him again and ignores Lisa. In "The Good, the Sad, and the Drugly", Bart's attempt to save a duckling results in either the duckling being hurt, or him being hurt. Judge Harm of all people shows that she takes her role as judge seriously. Earlier, Bart and Lisa leave a message for Homer and Marge: "Simpson Kids Miss Mom and Dad." To move him to his house and continue serving him. Homer pulls off a good parenting hat trick - comforting Lisa over Mr. Bergstrom leaving, then cheering Bart up over losing the class election and finally giving Maggie her pacifier. Also the ending where Homer and Maggie bond at the bowling alley and as Homer is tickling Maggie, Homer bats away the "300 Game" balloon that floats down near him, showing that Homer (despite being a. Moe is still looking down while cleaning the bar, but then slowly smiles: How they started talking online deserves a mention as well. The entirety of "Apocalypse Cow". What does Homer do to win her back? Homer has an, When Marge gets Mr. Burns to inadvertently sabotage his election chances in ". The family's group hug when Bart gets back from the asylum at the end of "Paths of Glory.". Abe then shows Homer a photo Bongo's new owners sent of him sleeping on Homer's old sweatshirt, saying that his dog never stopped loving him. Bart and Lisa bonding (even if temporarily) about how their accomplishments often get overlooked in "Much Apu About Something.". Helping Homer is especially heartwarming: in past episodes, Moe has made no secret of his interest on Marge, yet in this episode he tries to help his friend's troubled marriage without ever taking advantage of the situation. In the episode '"Moe Goes from Rags to Riches", Bart's increasingly desperate attempts to regain Milhouse's friendship are all oddly heartwarming. Selma cuddling her new pet iguana Jubjub and singing "You Make Me Feel Like A Natural Woman" to him was pretty cute. The episode focuses on the relationship between Bart and his grandfather. Just shows how much Homer loves his baby daughter. Moments pages … In "The Dad Who Knew Too Little", Det. Despite the silly premise of "Werking mom", where Marge pretends to be a drag queen to sell Tupperware, its undoubtedly one of the sweetest episodes of the season. 'S leg as a pillow Naturally '', Homer softly gives Maggie back the bear and tells Burns deal... Dreams, just heaven meekly that he loved him 's a bust, do... 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