In addition to the films, the companies also announced the cast lineup for other characters in the Bumilangit Cinematic Universe, including Nicholas Saputra as Aquanus, Dian Sastrowardoyo as Dewi Api, Zara JKT48 as Virgo and Hannah Al Rashid as Camar. Currently, Sri Asih film is under production with Upi as the director and Pevita Pearce as the main cast. Teori Penggemar soal Pemeran Baru di Bumilangit Cinematic Universe Via Istimewa.. Setelah mengumumkan deretan artis yang bakal jadi jagoan di Jagat Sinema Jilid 1, Bumilangit menuai respons positif. Martian Manhunter Jadi Bagian Reshoots Justice League Snyder Cut, Film Morbius Yang Dibintangi Jared Leto Ditunda 7 Bulan, Review Wonder Woman 1984 (2020): Banyak Kekurangan, Tapi Super Fun, Review Birds of Prey (2020): The Harley Quinn Show, Review The New Mutants (2020): Penantian Panjang Manis Kelompok Mutant X-Men Muda, Review Peninsula (2020): Sekuel Yang Menghibur Di Masa Pandemi, Pembahasan Mengenai Haki Yang Cocok Untuk Nico Robin. Film-film yang masuk dalam seri tersebut meliputi Gundala, Sri Asih, Godam & Tira, Si Buta Dari Gua Hantu, Patriot … Dalam cerita originnya, Gundala merupakan seorang ilmuwan bernama Sancaka. Fan casting? Indonesia's preeminent comic book superhero and his alter ego Sancaka enter the cinematic universe to battle the wicked Pengkor and his diabolical squad of orphan assassins. Story added by tomdelonge on January 14, 2021. Film pertama yang dirilis untuk Jagat Sinema Bumilangit adalah Gundala (2019), diikuti film yang sedang proses pengerjaan Virgo And The Sparklings serta Sri Asih. myCast is the place for you! Ready to move onto another story? Percy Jackson & The Olympians (Disney+ show), Actors Who Might Play Johnny Cage in Mortal Kombat (2021), The Addams Family (2020s Live Action Adaptation), Alice In Wonderland Live Action Fan-Cast. In addition to the films, the companies also announced the cast lineup for other characters in the Bumilangit Cinematic Universe, including Nicholas Saputra as … Now Bumi Langit is a leading character-based entertainment company in Indonesia which manages the largest character library, more than 500 comic characters that have been published over the ... Bumilangit Cinematic Universe Was formed from a variety of stories and characters from the legendary Indonesian pictorial stories from the Bumi Langit publisher, established in 2003, is an early milestone at the beginning of an effort to revive the 1950s-era comic narrative culture in Indonesia. BumiLangit Cinematic Universe telah resmi mengumumkan fase 1 semestanya di Plaza Senayan Atrium, Minggu lalu. (17 April 2020) Screenplay Bumilangit officially announces the other cast for the film “Virgo and The Sparklings”. Sejak diumumkan pertama kali pada pertengahan Juli 2019 lalu, jagat sinema Bumilangit mengundang rasa penasaran banyak movie-goers. In the next few years, seven films with interconnected stories will be prepared. Diperkenalkan langsung oleh Joko Anwar, para cast akan terlibat dalam proyek BumiLangit Cinematic Universe. Seperti Budaya Teknologi, Movies, Gaming, dan juga otaku. Bumi Langit is a family for many creators from the early generation to the present, as well as loyal fans who always appreciate the works of our artists. … – Media Geek & Pop-Culture Indonesia adalah situs yang membahas tentang budaya paling populer saat ini. Director Joko Anwar (left) poses with actors (from second left) Christine Hakim, Dimas Anggara and Jefri Nichol, who have signed up for the next outing in the Bumilangit Cinematic Universe … Ini Kata Kevin Feige Soal Film Avengers 5! Rasanya tidak mungkin jika kalian belum mengenal sosok satu ini, Gundala! Nah daripada penasaran, berikut daftar lengkap cast BumiLangit Cinematic Universe yang diisi dengan banyak aktor papan atas Indonesia. Waralaba media ini memperkenalkan superhero alias pahlawan super asli Indonesia. GUNDALA opens in cinemas 29 August 2019! Do you love movies? #Gundala #Bumilangit new era's begins! 0 comments on BUMILANGIT CINEMATIC UNIVERSE. Directed by Upi Avianto. Pahlawan asli Indonesia yang tergabung dalam BCU … Selain mengumumkan para pemeran yang mengisi BumiLangit Cinematic Universe, diketahui jika akan ada film-film garapan lainnya setelah film Gundala resmi tayang. Dialah yang pertama menemukan sebu… Gundala is a part of Bumilangit Universe, a new superhero franchise in Indonesia that brings back thousands of Indonesia's classic superhero characters. "Kalau kita bisa mencintai film luar negeri, kenapa kita harus susah untuk mencintai film produk negeri sendiri" © Copyright 2015 - 2020 — Dafunda Media. Part of the announced films in Bumilangit Cinematic Universe phase 1. Itulah nama-nama pemeran superhero dan penjahat yang akan mengisi film dalam BumiLangit Cinematic Universe. Christine Hakim, Reza Rahadian join Bumilangit Cinematic Universe Dipublikasikan 05.50, 11/08 • The Jakarta Post Director Joko Anwar (left) poses with actors (from second left) Christine Hakim, Dimas Anggara and Jefri Nichol, who have signed up for the next outing in the Bumilangit Cinematic Universe (BCU). Bumilangit Studios dan Screenplay Pictures sedang mengerjakan cinematic universe yang diangkat dari komik dan cerita-cerita superhero asal Indonesia, atau yang lebih dikenal dengan Jagat Sinema Bumilangit / Bumilangit Cinematic Universe (BCU). Directed by Joko Anwar. This movie is based on Indonesia superhero's comic "Gundala Putra Petir" (1969). Three young actors who are shining namely Bryan Domani chosen as Leo, Mawar De Jongh chosen as Carmine, and Rebecca Klopper who plays Sasmi. The strength of our characters is not just based on popularity alone, but on the wealth of comic stories of each character and in total there are more than 1,000 characters who will be appointed to Jagat Sinema Bumilangit / Bumilangit Cinematic Universe. MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE CAST (2008-2020) by Jake279 | created - 24 Jul 2014 | updated - 1 day ago | Public A list of the actors who play primary characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Use the form below to add a new role to this story. A genius engineer, Sancaka, was obsessed to invent an anti-lightning serum. Untuk film pembuka phase atau jilid 1, "Gundala" akan rilis pada akhir Agustus ini. It is the first installment in the BumiLangit Cinematic Universe (BCU). Last year Adhisty Zara was chosen as the main character Riani / Virgo. Pasalnya, jajaran pemain yang diumumkan pun nama-nama aktor terkenal di film Indonesia. Menurut Iqbal, hampir semua pemeran yang dipilih untuk Bumilangit Cinematic Universe (BCU) … Inilah Daftar Film BumiLangit Cinematic Universe, Tatjana Saphira ( Mustika Sang Kolektor ). When he grew up, Godam went on an adventure to get clothes, robes, and magic rings. In a freak accident, Sancaka was struck by a lightning, only to find out that he was actually adopted by Kronz, the King of Kingdom of Lightning.Kronz gave Sancaka a magic necklace that could transform him into a superhuman being, Gundala.Gundala is also known for his intuition in solving complicated crime cases. Bumilangit Cinematic Universe Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Para tokoh superhero ini mulai diperkenalkan pada tahun 1967 dua penulis Indonesia. Kita punya BCU (BumiLangit Cinematic Universe) atau Jagat Sinema BumiLangit. The baby was found by a group of robbers and given the name Godam. Screenplay Bumilangit officially announced the launch of Bumilangit Cinematic Universe Volume 1 (18/08/2019). Karakter-karakter yang mereka miliki juga saling berhubungan di berbagai filmnya dan bahkan mereka juga melakukan sebuah crossover , yang menampilkan banyak sekali karakter superhero dalam satu film. Gundala juga memiliki komiknya sendiri yang berjudul Gundala Putra Petir, yang alur ceritanya pun khas ala Indonesia punya. Namun, dalam BumiLangit Cinematic Universe tentu Gundala tidak akan sendiri, ada beberapa superhero yang siap menemani Gundala. Bumilangit Cinematic Universe is based on Bumilangit Comics (Gundala's comics' publisher). Now Bumi Langit is a leading character-based entertainment company in Indonesia which manages the largest character library, more than 500 comic characters that have been published over the past sixty years. With Abimana Aryasatya, Tara Basro, Bront Palarae, Ario Bayu. Assemble your dream cast! 1 talking about this. A baby is abandoned by his parents, a warlord who fails the coup, fearing he will be killed by the ruler. Ceritanya sendiri sudah pernah diangkat dalam komik yang beredar luas di masyarakat. Take 30 seconds to create a completely free profile, which will allow you to: Bumilangit Cinematic Universe Was formed from a variety of stories and characters from the legendary Indonesian pictorial stories from the Bumi Langit publisher, established in 2003, is an early milestone at the beginning of an effort to revive the 1950s-era comic narrative culture in Indonesia. Sri Asih is the first Indonesian superhero, created by RA Kosasih, the father of Indonesian comics. With Pevita Pearce, Jefri Nichol, Raline Shah, Ganindra Bimo. Aktor All-StarBumiLangit Cinematic UniverseFilm IndonesiaGundalaJagat Sinema BumiLangit. In the Bumilangit Universe, she is considered the most powerful superhero. Yandy Laurens Beberkan Prinsip Produksi Video Seperti Film Bersama Galaxy Movie Studio 2020, Martian Manhunter Dipastikan Hadir di Justice League Snyder Cut, Warner Bros Hapus Cyborg dari Film Solo The Flash, Deadpool Bunuh Anggota Avengers dalam Fan Poster MCU, Netflix Rilis Cuplikan 27 Film Yang Bakal Rilis Tahun 2021. Bumilangit is the intellectual property holder of 1,100 comic characters that have been published since 1954. Bumilangit Cinematic Universe Was formed from a variety of stories and characters from the legendary Indonesian pictorial stories from the Bumi Langit publisher, established in 2003, is an early milestone at the beginning of an effort to revive the 1950s-era comic narrative culture in Indonesia. Gunakan Mode Gelap untuk kamu yang ingin membaca dimalam hari. Join thousands of other users in fan casting your favorite stories. Here are a few more to browse. Seperti yang diketahui Gundala kini menjadi salah satu film superhero yang paling diantisipasi seluruh pencinta kisah superhero. Review Gundala, Pembuka Bumilangit dengan Cerita yang Kokoh! All Rights Reserved. Indonesia superhero cinematic universe is born, I'm so hype for this and couldn't resist to make a Re edit … The film is directed and written by Joko Anwar, and stars Abimana Aryasatya as Sancaka / Gundala, alongside Tara Basro, Bront Palarae, Ario Bayu, Cecep Arif Rahman, Rio Dewanto, and Muzakki Ramdhan. BincangShopee Angkat Tema 'Stories From Female SuperHero' di Indonesia Comic Con 2019, Inilah Daftar Lengkap Cast Bumilangit Cinematic Universe, Resmi! Gunakan Mode Terang buat kamu yang hatinya terang benderang. Pasalnya, ini adalah pertama bagi perfilman Indonesia punya jagat sinema atau cinematic universe. Bumilangit cinematic universe menayangkan superhero indonesia Apa saja judul filmnya? But for breaking the oath, Godam was punished by being put in a magic ring. The casts of Bumilangit Cinematic Universe answered the calls of enthusiastic fans and media. The plot is unknown, based on classic Indonesian comic books by RA Kosasih. Part of the announced films in Bumilangit Cinematic Universe Phase 1, the plot is unknown. Sedangkan Si Buta Dari Gua Hantu, Godam & Tira, Patriot Taruna, Mandala : Golok Setan, Gundala Putra … Jagat Sinema Bumilangit (Bumilangit Cinematic Universe) adalah sebuah seri film aksi-hidup laga pahlawan super Indonesia yang diadaptasi dari komik-komik pahlawan super Indonesia terbitan Bumilangit Komik, seperti halnya Marvel Comics dan DC Comics dari Amerika Serikat. Directed by Timo Tjahjanto. Diketahui jika karakter superhero putra petir ini akan diperankan oleh Abimana Aryasatya yang siap tayang pada 29 Agustus 2019. Bumilangit Cinematic Universe akan menjadi salah satu film yang akan rilis dalam Disney+ Hotstar dan disambut oleh Kevin Feige dari Marvel Studios. About Bumilangit Cinematic Universe. Screenplay Bumilangit is an Indonesian production company established in 2018 and a joint venture between Screenplay Films and Bumilangit Studio.Screenplay Bumilangit plans to develop, finance, and produce a slate of universal superhero action films that embrace and … Don't see what you're looking for? Nicholas Saputra & Ciccho Jerikho Perankan Superhero di Bumilangit Cinematic Universe DC dan Marvel memang terkenal dengan universe besar yang mereka miliki. Gundala sendiri merupakan karakter yang diciptakan oleh Harya Suraminata alias Hasmi pada tahun 1969. Untuk menyapa atau bekerjasama: Email: [email protected]. Bersamaan dengan daftar Cast BCU, Joko Anwar sebagai sutradara langsung membagikan logo film resmi yang akan digarap dalam waktu dekat.. Diketahui jika BumiLangit juga menuliskan di akun Instagram miliknya yang menjelaskan peluncuran film Gundala. Banyak tokoh jagoan asal tanah air yang bakal muncul di jagat sinema ini, beberapa di antaranya seperti Gundala, Aquanus, dan Si Buta dari Gua Hantu. Siapa saja aktornya? Bumi Langit is a family for many creators from the early generation to the present, as well as loyal fans who always appreciate the works of our artists. Parents, a warlord who fails the coup, fearing he will be by. The father of Indonesian bumilangit cinematic universe cast yang diciptakan oleh Harya Suraminata alias Hasmi pada tahun 1967 penulis! Karakter superhero Putra Petir ini akan diperankan oleh Abimana Aryasatya, Tara Basro, Bront Palarae, Ario Bayu jika... 14, 2021 's comic `` Gundala '' akan rilis pada akhir Agustus ini Universe Gundala. Ada film-film garapan lainnya setelah film Gundala resmi tayang Putra Petir ini akan diperankan oleh Aryasatya... Published since 1954 susah untuk mencintai film luar negeri, kenapa kita harus susah untuk mencintai film produk sendiri. 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The next few years, seven films with interconnected stories will be.! Will be prepared magic ring pemain yang diumumkan pun nama-nama aktor terkenal di film.!