Uncovered is a new website that collects data on cold cases and presents interactive timelines, as well as contact information for people with new clues. The woman has…, New Hampshire Cold Case Unit: coldcaseunit@dos.nh.gov, Popular Podcast Releases Multi-Part Episode on Maura Murray, UNCOVERED Creates New, Interactive Timeline, Anderson’s New Motion Attacks Detective West, Floats Cover-up by Cecil Smith, Twitter Account Linked to Rausch Family Defamed His Mistress as She Sought Restraining Order. Joseph Anderson wants seven pictures from Maura’s accident scene made public. 911 Call Shows Chaos After Rausch’s Stalking Victim Suffered Head Wound on Valentine’s Day. Foul Play Theory: Maura was taken by a stranger who drove along immediately after her accident. Cold Case Unit Says No New Info Should Be Given After Trolls Try to Hijack Investigation. Anderson is an associate of Erinn Larkin,…, 911 Call Above is an audio recording of the 911 call that Billy Rausch placed on Valentine’s Day, 2018, from the apartment of a woman he’d been having an affair with for several years. who has worked closely with Maura’s father, Fred, ever since Maura disappeared. 8,260 Followers, 3,552 Following, 285 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Missing Maura Murray (@missingmauramurray) missingmauramurray. It appears there will be more activity to the case in the form of some live documentaries in Somerville, Ma beginning June 24, 2018. Who is Peabody? During her freshman year, Maura received an honor code violation for stealing makeup from a Fort Knox commissary. He was cleared completely and we are unable to find any charges against him involving Maura. Maura Murray, a 21-year-old University of Massachusetts-Amherst nursing student, left campus on Feb. 9, 2004, after lying to professors about a death in the family. A podcast and documentary about Maura Murray's disappearance and the people obsessed with it. Termination in NH. We now sit on the board of directors of the non-profit, Private Investigations… The “Find Maura Murray” page was created May 7, 2018 and has raised over $10,000. After the accident, the other driver circled back and picked Maura up. No signup or install needed. That blog has now been removed. As we continue to follow the disappearance of Maura Murray, who vanished in 2004 from New Hampshire, we see that a couple of interesting things have surfaced. Tandem Driver Theory: Maura was driving one car while another driver ahead of her. Believing there to be evidence of foul play near the crash site, private searches have begun using ground penetrating tools. It is still unresolved and this young woman is still missing with a number of wild theories about what actually happened to her. Riddle Me That! Maura went missing along Rt. Sharon Rausch Sent Email Threatening Legal Action to Helena Murray. There are far too many missing persons cases throughout the world. He has spent years researching her disappearance. There were a number of people, especially on the blogs, news shows and certainly the police, who checked out his possible involvement into her disappearance at the time. In the initial, official police statement, Fred Murray stated that his daughter, Maura, was depressed and he was fearful for her safety. report. He has long been named in several physical and/or sexual abuse related incidents over the past few years. save. Bill Rausch was Maura’s boyfriend at the time of her disappearance. ! It does seem as if everyone wants to simply stop digging. We would like to point out that as of this date, we have yet to see any charges materialize against her former boyfriend from the alleged indictments that were called out on the various blogs and docu-series. He is currently awaiting trial…, Earlier this year, Joe Anderson sued the Attorney General of the State of New Hampshire after he was denied access to crime scene photographs of Maura Murray’s accident that were taken by officer Cecil Smith, in 2004. Maura Murray (born May 4, 1982) is an American woman who disappeared on the evening of February 9, 2004, after a car crash on Route 112 near Woodsville, New Hampshire, a village in the town of Haverhill.Her whereabouts remain unknown. We have since expanded with this series by raising awareness for the stories of other missing persons. Maura Murray Update. We told you we would keep you updated on anything related to Maura’s case and we have a bit of information to share. Mr. Renner had posted back in October on his blog that he would gladly close down his search and the blog if he received any communications from Maura that she was alive and merely wanted to be left to have a life of her own in peace. Tim Pilleri and Lance Reenstierna continue their deep dives into missing persons … Over on Missing Maura Murray, Lance and Tim spoke about the weirdness of what’s been going on, as… April 2019 Update: For the first time in a very long time, the case had a bit of buzz. this case is solved with this newly found evidence!! Simply blocking posts was not enough. Here are some of the most widely discussed ones: Over the past few months, there has been some movement on the Maura Murray case. We are unable to locate where any indictments, (if true), resulted in arrests. In this episode Tim Pilleri and Lance Reenstierna chat with private investigator Lou Barry and family advocate Jason Watts about Brandon Lawson's mysterious disappearance. We will keep you updated. Show Missing Maura Murray, Ep LAWSON - 4 - Update w/ Lou & Watts - Jan 30, 2020 In this episode Tim Pilleri and Lance Reenstierna chat with private investigator Lou Barry and family advocate Jason Watts about Brandon Lawson's mysterious disappearance. She drove north to New Hampshire and was last seen shortly after crashing her car on Route 112, a road in Haverhill that leads to the White Mountain National Forest. I recently sat down with Erinn Larkin, co-host of 107 Degrees Maura Murray podcast, to share my memories of Maura and talk more on how I found out Maura disappeared and my journey from OK to NH to help with the search. Recent criminal history – credit card fraud. Things have been pretty quiet since the Missing Maura Murray Oxygen series. This new police conference gave hope that perhaps Maura had finally been found. Maura Murray Disappeared On A Highway In New Hampshire In 2004. Missing Maura Murray Live Life since the inception of the podcast, Missing Maura Murray has been a wild, surreal and overall vindicating experience. However, that was not the case. Finally, there were allegations that Maura’s boyfriend at the time of her disappearance was recently fired from his job and has been charged with a number of sexual assaults against women. The transcript of the case has been sealed for now but there are places where you can read about what happened in court in November by those were attended. You may also email me in confidence. I'm about to twist the plot for you a little bit and I'll point out a few things that most people have ignored for years which might change your minds of the case. She wasn’t formally expelled and transferred into the nursing program at the University of Massach… The money raised also goes toward a reward for people who … She was a 21-year-old nursing student completing her junior year at the University of Massachusetts Amherst at the time of her disappearance. We’ve had family forums, topix, websleuths, facebook, reddit, twitter, and probably others not to mention tv shows and podcasts … and yet nothing panned out. The case of Maura Murray continues to perplex and sadden. Has there been any new developments in this case? You can find more details on the following link: Learn More About Missing Maura. Close. This thread is archived. And at 7 p.m., Smith called the University of Massachusetts (UM) campus security and requested that they check Maura Murray’s dorm room. His theory had evolved to a point where he believed that Maura was alive and had fled to live out her life elsewhere, for reasons of her own or died shortly after. However, it is now public knowledge, (indictment here) and no longer simply rumor, that he was indicted and tried for some of the cases. You can learn more at the link here: http://www.mauramurraydoc.com. Something happened that day that led to her being admitted into the hospital with a serious head wound. Was placed on probation for 3 months to fall off record if no other problems. The Disappearance of Maura Murray on Oxygen “True Crime Addict” by James Renner; Behind the New Investigation of a Mass. these 14 years have been memorable! Soil samples have been sent to test for human remains. We will update as we have more. A small black Saturn appeared to be wedged against a snowbank on the road outside her home in Woodsville, New Hampshire. Records of these incidents were kept quiet because they were the subject of grand jury proceedings. In case you missed it, Maura Murray’s boyfriend, Billy Rausch, imploded on social media last night, attacking Missing Maura Murray podcasters and Maggie Freleng, the journalist from Oxygen’s The Disappearance of Maura Murray, putting them on blast until 5 a.m. Likely, this is the sort of thing that will come out in court when he finally goes to trial for sex abuse in D.C. later this year. Secondly, there was a panel discussion during this year’s CrimeCon which featured a podcast and the blog to showcase the work that each have been doing to bring conclusion to this case. The current homeowners allowed police to do a full search of the ground in an area but the search turned up nothing. As always, we will continue to update with anything significant. Has the Rausch Family Steered the Online Narrative in the Maura Murray Case from the Beginning? Archived. Police fought the family, refusing to release investigation records, citing that the release of these records would be harmful to the investigation. Listen to Missing Maura Murray episodes free, on demand. 84% Upvoted. We will continue to provide updates as we have them. To date, there have been no published results. Building a Community of Crimefighters w/ Uncovered. The person who posted the video had clearly been keeping up-to-date on the case and modeled his username after those details. Crawlspace is a true crime show from the team behind Missing Maura Murray. We may never know. This area has been the subject of speculation for many years. It’s been relentless. As such, Courts are reluctant to come... Am I the right attorney for you? She did not indicate to anyone that she was unhappy with her life, in fact, there are reports from family that she and her boyfriend were engaged. Maura was a stand out student-athlete from Hanson, MA enrolled in the nursing program as a junior at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. First, the case was followed extensively and documented heavily by a writer named James Renner. At 7:27 PM on the night of February 9, 2004, a woman called the Grafton County Sheriffs Department to report a car accident. Earlier this week, Audioboom decided to begin removing Erinn Larkin’s podcast due to repeated instances of defamation and doxxing of a rape victim. hide. Maura is a young, bright nursing student in her junior year. The host, Dr. Jules, is currently covering Maura Murray’s disappearance and has released several episodes already, with more to come. In retaliation, he tried to connect Smith to his girlfriend’s disappearance. Earlier this week, Audioboom decided to begin removing Erinn Larkin’s podcast due to repeated instances of defamation and doxxing of a rape victim. We discuss recent unidentified human remains found in the state of Texas, and answer listener questions. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Contact me now at: 978.225.0661 or 603.373.0545. Am I the right attorney for you? Being a parent is one of the most wonderful gifts in the world. Update. In it, Sharon threatens to sue. Astute readers noticed an interesting turn of phrase that Sharon used in the letter:…, Earlier this week, Billy Rausch took to Twitter to shame and publicly attack John Smith, a volunteer and P.I. Her car was found in a snowbank – a rag was stuffed in the tail pipe (see the 911 call log for details). Schedule a phone free consultation today to discuss your case and decide if I am the person you want on your side. Please contact the Murray family directly at mauramurrayfamilydirect@gmail.com or the New Hampshire State Police for any leads in their ongoing investigation. It would be wonderful if she is alive somewhere and just needed to get away. Now’s a good time to catch up! He wrote a book as well as a blog detailing his self proclaimed “addiction” to this case. If you know anything about Maura’s disappearance, please contact law enforcement. After graduating high school, she joined her older sister at the United States Military Academy in West Point, New York, where she studied chemical engineering. I was trying to look at old articles to see what the investigators had found and if there was possibly something that was missed and that's when I stumbled on something. For 5 years, we've covered Maura Murray's disappearance and the tireless community that surrounds it in great detail. It remains to be seen whether he will now become a person of interest in Maura’s disappearance. Maura Murray Goes Missing Maura Murray, 21, a nursing student at UMass, goes missing after crashing her 1996 Saturn on Rt. 12. Monday, Maura Murray should be turning 38 years old. This case caught our eye because it is close to home, has a number of very strange twists and turns and has recently been in the news again. Maura was missing. As you read more about Maura Murray, consider the points that we felt made this worth highlighting: We will update this case as more information comes to light. 112 in Haverhill, NH. There were some mentions of Maura in the trial by the victim according to those who attended. He told me Maura's car was found on the side of the road in New Hampshire and Maura was nowhere to be found. There are now many theories about what may have happened to Maura on that cold night back in 2004. The photographs were taken by responding officer Cecil Smith in 2004, when he discovered Maura Murray’s car, abandoned, on the side of the road. Maura was born May 4, 1982 in Hanson, Massachuessettes. While doing some research in the Maura Murray case, I came across some old articles that a subreddit user HunterPense added to his subreddit. Frozen Woods Theory: Maura, not wanting to be present when the police arrived for fear of a DWI, wandered off into the woods. It’s been a busy week within the community that surrounds the Maura Murray mystery. share. It leaves us to wonder – did he receive a private communication or did he simply desire to move on? 75 talking about this. MISSING: Maura Murray (Part 1) Episode Summary In 2004 a 21-year-old UMass student, Maura Murray, sends a message to her professors saying there has been a … 18 comments. 112 in Haverhill, N.H. Excellent resource of theories: Good source for comprehensive theories, We want to keep your informed. Listen to MMM 134: Goodwill Ambassador Robert Lynch and 235 more episodes by Missing Maura Murray, free! Parental Rights – Surrender vs. Music for Missing Maura Murray is produced by Kevin MacLeod and David Williams. New Life Theory: Maura staged her own disappearance and created a new life for herself. Last month, a New Hampshire judge said the pictures should not be released because they were investigatory files of the…, It’s been a busy week within the community that surrounds the Maura Murray mystery. This month, the state police summoned the Murray family to a meeting to discuss their searches under a home in the area close to where Maura had her wreck and went missing. Follow. Click here to see their fabulous timeline regarding Maura’s disappearance. Let me reiterate: no leads from the online community panned out when investigated. “I’m not taking a lie detector test before my trial, John,” Billy wrote. is a popular true crime podcast that dives deep into some of the world’s most confounding unsolved mysteries. After all he has written a book, a blog and given a number of talks and television appearances dedicated to the subject. Maura Murray disappeared on the evening of February 9, 2004, after her car crashed on Rt. Her Father Has Never Stopped Trying To Find Out What Happened To Her, And Now, 15 Years After The Woman Went Missing… Missing Maura Murray episode 27: Questions and Answers. The sheriff thanked her for calling and dispatched officers. The letter was sent years ago, after the cell phone records of Billy Rausch and Maura Murray were made public. As always, if you have information regarding Maura’s disappearance or whereabouts, please contact law enforcement. Most persons who study the case of Maura Murray consider James Renner to be one of the most knowledgeable on her disappearance. No arrest has been made but authorities continue to refer to this case as a criminal case and most probably a “homicide”. State police indicated that searches had been done in this area previously to no avail. Even if Maura Murray … The announcement was made that searches to the home were done again, with permission from the homeowner, and nothing was found. If you know anything about her disappearance, please contact law enforcement. Maura Murray Update. Witnesses said after the crash she asked them to call a wrecker but not the police. She was just 21 years old when she vanished in … Later Maggie sits down with Maura's family and reveals evidence released by law enforcement for the first time in 13 years. 4. In October, a hearing was held in Merrimack County Superior Court where the detectives and prosecutors involved in…, In case you haven’t been following the craziness that is the Maura Murray case recently, let me get you up to speed. In fact, although many statements have been reported by Renner, on several blogs (Reddit) and a docuseries, these are allegations. However, it does appear that activity has also ceased on the upcoming documentary as well as results of a site search from a show on the Oxygen channel. The proceeds raised will go toward technology, like the ground-penetrating radar, on areas of interest. And behind the scenes, he continues to taunt Smith through DMs like this one: Last night, Billy’s friend posted this email…, Billy Rausch attacked John Smith, Fred Murray’s private investigator, in a series of messages where he also rejected the notion of taking a lie detector test. An attorney from Massachusetts, Joe Anderson, is suing the state of New Hampshire for access to crime scene photographs from the scene of Maura Murray’s accident. In spite of indications that she may have simply run away, the police have continued to characterize her disappearance as a ‘criminal investigation’. Boyfriend of Maura Murray Attacks Her Father’s Friend, Detective: “Enforcement proceedings could be pending” in Maura Murray Case. When police arrived on scene 10 minutes later, she was gone. This month, the state police summoned the Murray family to a meeting to discuss their searches under a home in the area close to where Maura had her wreck and went missing. According to Missing Maura Murray, a podcast focused on her disappearance, the few witnesses who spoke with police claimed that she denied … Back in May he had posted that due to the nasty comments he and his family had received over the years regarding his work on this case, it was time to remove the blog entirely. Her whereabouts remain unknown. She got lost, disoriented, and froze to death. You can find more details on the following link: Learn More About Missing Maura. Start here with Part One. It is odd, then, that on December 31st, James Renner decided to close his blog to focus on other areas of his career. Schedule a phone free consultation today to discuss your case and decide if I am the person you want on your side. 285 posts; 8,260 followers; 3,552 following; Missing Maura Murray True crime podcast & doc about the mysterious disappearance of Maura Murray. Missing Erica Franolich - 5 - Cave Search. College Student’s Mysterious 2004 Disappearance; Company works for free to aid in search for Maura Murray; No, the Maura Murray case has not been ‘reopened’ Miles To Nowhere – Disappeared on Investigation Discovery Over on Missing Maura Murray, Lance and Tim spoke about the weirdness of what’s been going on, as…, Earlier this week, a letter from Sharon Rausch to the Murray family was posted online. For the first time in a very long time, the case had a bit of buzz. Posted by 2 years ago. But even with all that publicity, Maura Murray herself is still missing. Watch the finale of 'The Disappearance of Maura Murray' The DNA results are revealed, Maggie seeks the advice of a psychic, and a wild lead is pursued at the top of a mountain. Smith was able to speak to Fred Murray at 8 p.m. on Feb. 10. It is not to say that they do not exist – just that we have not been able to locate any arrests against Bill Rausch. Maura Murray update - Father Believes Missing Daughter’s Remains Are Buried In Basement Of NH Home. Her room was packed up as if she was leaving. Join our mailing list to receive the latest news from the Law Offices of Christine G. DeBernardis. Listen to Missing Maura Questions and Answers we discuss recent unidentified human remains newly found evidence! areas of in... There been any new developments in this case, Fred missing maura murray update ever since Maura.. Call a wrecker but not the police 2004, after her car crashed on Rt and we unable. Since the Missing Maura Murray is produced by Kevin MacLeod and David Williams this new conference... Narrative in the trial by the victim according to those who attended everyone wants simply. Maura up Fort Knox commissary has been the subject at the link here: http:.. Person of interest to catch up back and picked Maura up of talks television. 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